About The Club

The Veteran and Vintage Car Club of Australia ACT (Inc) was formed in 1963 and is aimed at vehicles of the Veteran and Vintage era, that is up to 1918, and from 1919 to 1930 respectively. Its Objectives are:

• To sponsor and encourage the preservation, restoration and use of Veteran and Vintage vehicles
• To engage in rallies, exhibitions and other events suitable for Veteran and Vintage vehicles
• To encourage the retention of Veteran and Vintage vehicles in Australia
• To collect and disseminate technical and historical information as shall be of interest to the members
• To offer the services of the Club, its members and vehicles to such charitable organisations as may be decided upon from time to time
• To engage in such other activities associated or allied with all or any of these Objectives which are intended to promote a better and wider knowledge and understanding of Veteran and Vintage vehicles among club members and the public generally